
馴鹿 Reindeer

這是另一個 Dawn Toussaint 為團鉤而創作的編圖,這編圖漂亮而且簡單,在網上看到不少人都在做,有人說只用了4小時就完工了,也有人說花了兩個晚上,而我呢?我花了二十多小時!

This is another lovely pattern that Dawn Toussaint designed for crochet along.  It is quite a easy pattern and there are a lot of people working on it.  I have read a post saying that she has finished one in 4 hours, and another post saying that she has finished one in 2 nights.  As for me, it took me more than 20 hours!

英文圖樣(Pattern in English):http://dawntoussaint.blogspot.com/2010/11/murray-merry-reindeer.html

