
天使瑪麗 Mary the Angel

你覺得這小天使面熟嗎?對,她就是美人魚瑪麗的化身。瑪麗是一個善良的美人魚 ,所以天神就答應了她的禱告,她現在有腿和翅膀,當然還有漂亮的裙子。

美人魚瑪麗的設計者是 champygirl,圖樣在這裡

Do you find this little angel looking familiar?  Yes, she was Mary Mermaid.  She was a good mermaid.  In answer to her prayer she is now an angel with legs and wings, and of course her lovely dress.

Mary Mermaid was designed by champygirl and you can find her pattern here.

圖樣(Pattern): http://sites.google.com/site/amigurumicat/Doll-13-MaryAngel.pdf

