
黑提子星來的外星人 Alien from the planet BlackCurrant

為了令這外星人看起來特別一點,我特意在縫合前用牙刷將他的身體前後左右的邊刷邊拉,直至起毛。Tammy Snow 示範這技巧時用上了狗用的硬毛刷,加上容易起毛的毛線,所以效果十分明顯。

To make this alien looks more special, I used a toothbrush to brush his body to pick out the hair from the yarn.  Tammy Snow uses a dog slick brush when demonstrating this technique.  And with yarn which can give hair more readily, the effect is very obvious.

英文圖樣(Pattern in English):http://amigurumi-love.blogspot.com/2010/04/little-alien.html


四肢都能活動的小熊 Little bear with movable limbs


The limbs of this little bear are connected to the body by a thread only.  So they are movable.  There are a lot of photos and detailed instruction on how to crochet and assemble this bear.

法文圖樣(Pattern in French):http://helpcrochet.free.fr/mdtinounours6.html


跳草裙舞的熊(吉蒂貓?) Hula dancing bear (Hello Kitty?)



According to the pattern, this is a hula dancing Hello Kitty.  I have completed this dancing amigurumi for quite a while.  Since she looks more like a bear than Hello Kitty, I have it shelved for sometime.  Should I add a few whiskers to make her looks more like a cat? 

After a frozen period of more than a month, I decided to do nothing.  If she is destined to be a bear, then why should I force her to be a cat?

英文圖樣(Pattern in English):www.ravelry.com/dls/crafts-by-ap/19418?filename=Amigurumi_Hoola_Kitty.pdf


可愛小貓 Kawaii kitty


This is the first time I work as a pattern tester.  This kitty is the pattern that I tested.

英文圖樣(Pattern in English): www.amiamour.com/2010/04/kawaii-kitty-amigurumi/


多啦A夢 Doraemon

今天很高興向各位介紹多樺小姐,她是多啦A夢的遠房表妹,圖樣來自一個西班牙文的網誌,由一位居於羅馬的網友 Giulia 代為翻譯成英文。


Today I am very happy to introduce to you Miss Dora.  She is a distant cousin of Doraemon.  The pattern is from a blog in Spanish and was translated to English for me by Giulia, who lives in Rome. 

Giulia, thank you very much!

西班牙文圖樣(Pattern in Spanish):http://amigurumies.blogspot.com/2009/11/doraemon.html


孔雀 Peacock


As I do not have variated yarn, I divided a green yarn into smaller threads and mixed with the blue yarn when making the tail. 

英文圖樣(Pattern in English):www.sherryboberry.com/?p=109


臘腸狗 Weiner dog


According to the pattern, there is an bib-like extension on the head.  I wonder if it is used to make the "finishing stitches" on the body invisible.  As I believe that this would need good sewing technique, which I havn't, I have decided to get rid of it.  In return, I have made a larger collar for him.

英文圖樣(Pattern in English):http://crochetme.com/media/p/94343.aspx


埋口的方法 How to fasten off




今天發現 PlanetJune 圖文並茂地介紹了類似的方法,所以立刻將網址記下,以公諸同好。(http://www.planetjune.com/blog/the-ultimate-finish-for-amigurumi/


繼續瀏覽 PlanetJune 的網誌,發現我之前找到教埋口的網誌也是她的作品(http://www.planetjune.com/blog/amigurumi-help/fastening-off/),除了教授如何將洞洞埋口也教授了其它收口的技巧,十分值得參考。


單峰駱駝 1-humped camel


By further modifying the pattern of the 2-humped camel, a 1-lumpled camel is born.

圖樣 (Pattern):Camel-03-1-Humped-pattern.pdf


雙峰駱駝(新版) 2-humped camel (new version)

前些時根據 KristieMN 發表的圖樣我編了一隻雙峰駱駝

Last month I have followed the free pattern of KristieMN and made a 2-humped camel.  Because of my sub-standard sewing technique, the humps do not look good.  After several trials, I have successfully modified the pattern and made a 2-humped camel with in-born humps.  That is, no sewing of the humps to the body is reqiured.

圖樣 (Pattern):Camel-02-2-Humped-pattern.pdf


河馬 Hippo




I discovered that the yarn I got is insufficient for the hippo when it is almost half-finished.  As the chance to get more yarn of exactly the same colour is slim, I have to undo what I have already finished, reduce the size the hippo and start again.

When looking at the hippo sideway, the jaw seems a bit too small.  I'll see if I can make another hippo with a larger jaw.

英文圖樣(Pattern in English):http://bittersweetblog.wordpress.com/2007/03/12/hungry-hungry-hippo/