
穿和服的兔子 Rabbit in kinmono

這是我第一次為 Smooch Panda 作編圖測試,我做這個測試的原因是要知道她是如何弄眼睛的。眼睛是靈魂之窗,眼睛好看不好看對整體的影響很大,玻璃和膠的眼睛都能起畫龍點睛的效果,可是對我來說貴了一點。

This is the first time I do pattern testing for Smooch Panda. I decided to do the testing because I want to know how she made the eyes.  The quality of eyes is crucial to the look of an amigurumi.  Glass eyes and plastic eyes are both good but too costly to me. 

