
大頭老鼠 Big head mouse

這老鼠是去年12月開工的,那時學鉤玩偶還不到一個月,做這老鼠可謂一波三折,先是不明白鼻子是甚麼一回事,然後是買不到紅色的不織布,最要命的是當所有部件完成要縫合時,發覺頭部的開口是 17 針,但身體的開口只有 7 針,天啊!整個身體都掉到頭臚裡去了!因為經驗太淺,不識變通,只有束之高閣。最近立志要將所有未完成的作業逐一完成,這老鼠才得見天日。

I started to make this mouse in last December, when I had only less than 1 month of experience in amigurumi making.  During the course a number of obstacles arose.  Firstly, I did not understand the Japanese instruction on the nose.  Then I failed to buy red felt paper.  And lastly when it came to the time of final assembly, I found that the opening of the head was 17 stitches while that of the body was only 7 stitches.  OMG!  The whole body would fall into the head!  Because of little experience in amigurumi making, I did not know what to do at that time and so this mouse became my first WIP item. 

英文圖樣(Pattern in English): www.rakuten.co.jp/gosyo/461397/713923/826132/840160/

