這編圖的作者是 unforth. 她的網誌是 http://unforthccc.blogspot.com。
I have justed joined a group for doing pattern testing. There are only a few amigurumi patterns, and this fish is one of them. As a general rule for doing pattern testing, we should exactly follow the design. We can only play around with the colour for showing our own style.
The size of this fish is not small at all. So a single colour for the whole body would be too dull. But as limited by the pattern (it is not joined and the start of a round is at the side instead of the bottom), making stripes of colours is not desirable. So I just create patches of different colour in random. According to the pattern, the tail should stand up (like the lower photo). But due to the gradual shifting to the right of stitches, the tail of my fish came out to be inclined to one side. Should I shall make this fish again, I would like to adjust the stitches of the tail so that it will lay flat, just like to the upper photo.
The designer of this fish is unforth. Her blog is http://unforthccc.blogspot.com.