這是另一個 Dawn Toussaint 為團鉤而創作的編圖,這編圖漂亮而且簡單,在網上看到不少人都在做,有人說只用了4小時就完工了,也有人說花了兩個晚上,而我呢?我花了二十多小時!
This is another lovely pattern that Dawn Toussaint designed for crochet along. It is quite a easy pattern and there are a lot of people working on it. I have read a post saying that she has finished one in 4 hours, and another post saying that she has finished one in 2 nights. As for me, it took me more than 20 hours!
英文圖樣(Pattern in English):http://dawntoussaint.blogspot.com/2010/11/murray-merry-reindeer.html
電腦鼠標 Computer mouse
This one is supposed to be a cat toy. So except the whiskers, all parts are firmed attached to the body.
英文圖樣(Pattern in English): www.crochetspot.com/crochet-pattern-computer-mouse-toy/
穿和服的兔子 Rabbit in kinmono
這是我第一次為 Smooch Panda 作編圖測試,我做這個測試的原因是要知道她是如何弄眼睛的。眼睛是靈魂之窗,眼睛好看不好看對整體的影響很大,玻璃和膠的眼睛都能起畫龍點睛的效果,可是對我來說貴了一點。
This is the first time I do pattern testing for Smooch Panda. I decided to do the testing because I want to know how she made the eyes. The quality of eyes is crucial to the look of an amigurumi. Glass eyes and plastic eyes are both good but too costly to me.
水母 Jellyfish
這的我第三次為 unforth 作編圖測試,這水母超簡單,沒有甚麼地方需要推敲,所以很快就完成了。
This is again a pattern from unforth of Curiously Crafted Creations. This is a very easy pattern that you can crochet non-stop without thinking.
黃金企鵝 Golden penguin
FreshStitches 的 Stacey用這企鵝編圖辦了一個團鉤,這編圖特別之處是幾乎全部只用後半線圈來編織,鉤的時候感覺很柔軟,很舒服。
This pattern is from a crochet-along organized by Stacey of FreshStitches. One special point about this pattern that only back loop is used almost throughout the whole pattern. It give an extra soft feeling during crocheting.
英文圖樣(Pattern in English):http://www.freshstitches.com/wordpress/?p=3235
This pattern is from a crochet-along organized by Stacey of FreshStitches. One special point about this pattern that only back loop is used almost throughout the whole pattern. It give an extra soft feeling during crocheting.
英文圖樣(Pattern in English):http://www.freshstitches.com/wordpress/?p=3235
墨魚棒球員 Squid, a baseball player
這是我第二次為 unforth 作編圖測試,這個墨魚編圖比上次的肥魚編圖稍為複雜,特別是他的8條腿,用的是 i-cord 編織法,對於熟悉棒針編織的人來說,這是不費吹灰之力的,PlanetJune 設計了一個以鉤針和手指來編織 i-cord 的方法,但這對我來說是有些難度。
Unforth 說她準備用不同的魚類/海洋生物去成立一隊棒球隊,很期待啊!
This is the second time I did pattern testing for unforth of Curiously Crafted Creations. This squid is more complicated than the fat fish. He has 8 legs made of i-cord. For knitters, i-cord should be a piece of cake. PlanetJune has derived a method so that this can be done with a crochet hook and fingers. Knitting with a crochet hook and fingers is a challenge to me.
Unforth said that she is going to have a baseball team of different fishes/sea animals. I am looking forward to this.
持花的小妹 Doll with flowers
This is the first time I made a human-like doll. The hair is not very satisifactory. Still need a lot of practice with reference to other tutorials.
This is the first time I made a human-like doll. The hair is not very satisifactory. Still need a lot of practice with reference to other tutorials.
小熊 A little bear
I encountered some problems when working on this little bear, thus have to redo this several times.
Problem #1. For the arms and legs, the pattern does not say how many rounds, just say how long. Since I am not using the same yarn as the designer, I have to try a few times before reaching a reasonable proportion. Yet this still is quite different from the original design.
Problem #2. I still cannot control the tightness of my stitches properly. Still sometimes too tight, and sometimes too loose. The result? The feet cannot point forward as required even after several attempts! When I tried it for the first time, the shoes are pointing at 45 degrees, and with bulging bottom!
Nevertheless, I like this little bear. I intend to make another bear later, with a dress.
I encountered some problems when working on this little bear, thus have to redo this several times.
Problem #1. For the arms and legs, the pattern does not say how many rounds, just say how long. Since I am not using the same yarn as the designer, I have to try a few times before reaching a reasonable proportion. Yet this still is quite different from the original design.
Problem #2. I still cannot control the tightness of my stitches properly. Still sometimes too tight, and sometimes too loose. The result? The feet cannot point forward as required even after several attempts! When I tried it for the first time, the shoes are pointing at 45 degrees, and with bulging bottom!
Nevertheless, I like this little bear. I intend to make another bear later, with a dress.