This rhino looks quite real. His head is so big that I have to add a pebble to his body to keep the balance.
蝴蝶 Butterfly
When my sister was sightseeing in Europe, she found that there are beautiful crochet butterflies for sale in souvenir shops. This prompted me to look for free butterfly patterns on web. There are a lot of crochet butterflies similar to the one my sister saw, and many of the crochet patterns are almost identical.
The orange butterfly is the most common one. I have added an extra round of single crochet to it. For the pink one, the size of the upper and lower wings are different, and there is a picot in each wing. For the green one, in addition to the size, the pattern of the upper wings and lower wings is also different. I think the green one is the more beautiful.
英文圖樣(Pattern in English):
橙色 orange: www.crochetnmore.com/butterfly.htm
粉紅色 pink: http://dishclothdiaries.blogspot.com/2009/09/3-d-butterfly.html
綠色 green: http://www.maggiescrochet.com/free-maggies-crochet-monarch-butterfly-fridgies-pattern-p-250.html
大眼金魚 Gold fish
I like this gold fish very much the first time I saw it a few months ago. At that time I thought that it would be too difficult for me and so never dare to attempt it. A few days ago when surfing on the net I saw this fish again. The result was, I put down all projects on hand and work on it continuously for 2 days until it is finished. It is not as difficult as I thought!
I like this gold fish very much the first time I saw it a few months ago. At that time I thought that it would be too difficult for me and so never dare to attempt it. A few days ago when surfing on the net I saw this fish again. The result was, I put down all projects on hand and work on it continuously for 2 days until it is finished. It is not as difficult as I thought!
天使瑪麗 Mary the Angel
你覺得這小天使面熟嗎?對,她就是美人魚瑪麗的化身。瑪麗是一個善良的美人魚 ,所以天神就答應了她的禱告,她現在有腿和翅膀,當然還有漂亮的裙子。
美人魚瑪麗的設計者是 champygirl,圖樣在這裡。
Do you find this little angel looking familiar? Yes, she was Mary Mermaid. She was a good mermaid. In answer to her prayer she is now an angel with legs and wings, and of course her lovely dress.
Mary Mermaid was designed by champygirl and you can find her pattern here.
圖樣(Pattern): http://sites.google.com/site/amigurumicat/Doll-13-MaryAngel.pdf
美人魚瑪麗的設計者是 champygirl,圖樣在這裡。
Do you find this little angel looking familiar? Yes, she was Mary Mermaid. She was a good mermaid. In answer to her prayer she is now an angel with legs and wings, and of course her lovely dress.
Mary Mermaid was designed by champygirl and you can find her pattern here.
圖樣(Pattern): http://sites.google.com/site/amigurumicat/Doll-13-MaryAngel.pdf
猴子 Manuel the Monkey
再次參與了設計師 Dawn Toussaint 的團鉤,這次的主角是猴子 。
This is my second time joining crochet along activity hosted by designer Dawn Toussaint, and the pattern is Manuel the Monkey.
The shaping of Manuel is slightly more difficult then Padma the Elephant. I find it challenging and feel very happy upon completion,
英文圖樣(Pattern in English):http://dawntoussaint.blogspot.com/2010/09/crochet-long-manuel-part-1.html
浣熊 Racoon
I have changed to use loop stitch in the tail. This was my first time using loop stitch. I have to undo the tail several times before I can command the stitch.
I have changed to use loop stitch in the tail. This was my first time using loop stitch. I have to undo the tail several times before I can command the stitch.
瘋狂的斑馬圖樣 Pattern of Crazy Zebra
Do you still remember my crazy zebra? The free pattern is now available on web!
圖樣(Pattern) :http://amigurumicatxlate.blogspot.com/2010/10/funny-zebra_12.html
南瓜 Pumpkin
這是我第二次參加由 The Itsy Bitsy Spider 主辦的團鉤,我將南瓜由「腰圍」72 縮到 56 了。
This is my second time joining crochet-along organized by The Itsy Bitsy Spider. I have reduced the size from maximum 72 stitches per round to maximum 56 stitches per round.
英文圖樣(Pattern in English):www.etsy.com/listing/57301731/amigurumi-pumpkin-trio
三角龍 Triceratops
Some experts said that the Triceratops had never exist. Who cares? To me, cuteness is more important.
Some experts said that the Triceratops had never exist. Who cares? To me, cuteness is more important.